Bungendore Quilters hold their annual exhibition on the last full weekend in November each year.
The Exhibition opening (by invitation) is held on the Friday prior to the weekend.
We have two days with different drop off times for quilts, Challenge items and Sales Table items. Please bring your exhibits and items to the Bungendore War Memorial Hall in Molonglo, Street Bungendore. If you are unable to drop off during these times, please contact Jane.
Wednesday before the quilt exhibition: Between 9:00am and 4:00pm
Thursday before the quilt exhibition: Between 9:00am and 12:00 noon
We start hanging at midday on the Thursday. Please note that we are unable to accept ANY quilts after 12:00 noon on Thursday as planning and layout are well underway. Thank you for your understanding.
If you cannot deliver your quilts, Challenge or Sales Table items on the days above, please organise with another member to do so on your behalf.
Exhibits and unsold Sales Table items can be collected from Sunday evening, 5:30pm onwards (NOT BEFORE). Organisers accept no responsibility for exhibits not collected. Please let us know when you deliver your exhibts and Sales Table items if someone else will be collecting them on your behalf.
All quilts must be listed on the Quilt Entry form.
All quilts will be issued with a number (three of the same number) and you are asked to attach one to the outside of your quilt bag, one to your quilt and one to keep for when and keep the third for collection. Pins will be supplied.
All quilts are to be signed in and out by the organisers. Quilts will only be accepted and released to the owner/exhibitor who signed the quilt in and include a $5.00 entry fee/quilt. Numbers need to be shown to collect a quilt and given to the exhibitor unless prior arrangements are made.
We are able to hang two quilts by each member. If you are entering more than two, please list your quilts in order of preference for display. If they are not hung, your entry fees will be refunded.
All quilts must be delivered in individual cloth bags or pillowslips with the member’s name clearly visible. One bag for each quilt please. We cannot manage multiple quilts in one bag.
All quilts (except for miniatures) are to have a 3” rod pocket (suitable for hanging a 1" square bar through) on the back. The exhibition committee may refuse to hang your quilt if a rod pocket is insufficiently attached — no pins will be accepted.
Miniatures and some wall hangings may be pinned for display.
All quilts are to have your name clearly identified on the back of the quilt.
Names and quilt stories can now be attached to your quilts.
If you would like to do so, please email the story of your quilt with information such as (for example) the inspiration behind you making it, why you made it, why you chose the pattern and colours you did, who it is for and any other details to Jane or bring it along to the November meeting. Please don’t send a thesis, just a paragraph or two would be terrific. Only stories received by the Saturday meeting in November can be included on your quilt.
A Challenge form must accompany your item/s (you can enter more than once). Items can be delivered to our November meeting at the Bungendore Scout Hall or to the Bungendore War Memorial Hall on the Wednesday (9:00am to 4:00pm) or on Thursday morning (9:00am to 12:00 noon) prior to the exhibition weekend.
All items are to be signed in and out by the exhibition organisers. You will receive two numbers - one to be pinned on the item and the other for you to keep. There is no charge for items entered into the Challenge but please supply a bag for your item/s. If you have more than one Challenge entry, they can go in the one bag.
Items may be collected from the Bungendore Memorial Hall on the Sunday of the exhibition from 5:30pm unless prior arrangements are made.​
We always have a roster of White Glove Ladies (or Quilt Angels, Stewards or Quilt Guardians) who are there there to keep an eye on the quilts and keep them safe. They can make sure no-one simply walks off with one and that visitors obey the Do Not Touch The Quilts signs.
Our White Glove Ladies also get to share their love of quilting in conversations with interested visitors. You don’t need to be an expert on techniques, just be enthusiastic and share your love of quilting.
If you are able to help out in this area during the exhibition weekend, please let us know. We are always very grateful for your assistance during this time. Please email Trudi to register your availability.
The exhibition organisers will do their utmost to ensure the safety of your exhibits whilst on display but cannot guarantee and do not accept responsibility for the loss or damage of your exhibits. It is the responsibility of the individual exhibitor to ensure that all your exhibits are insured for the exhibition's duration.
We love everything! The Sales Table is for members wishing to sell handmade gifts, fabric packs or books/magazines relating to any of the textile arts.
Handmade items must be primarily made with fabric and hand or machine sewn.
All sales items are to be tagged with your initials and the price. All items and prices are to be listed on the Sales Table sheet and the list emailed to Jane or to Val or Jane.
80% of the sale of your items is returned to you with 20% commission going to Bungendore Quilters.
If you wish to donate any items to BQI, which are always very much appreciated, put BQI instead of your initials on the item’s tag.
Sales Table sheets must be sent or given to Jane
A Sales sheet must accompany your items. Items can be delivered to our November meeting at the Bungendore Scout Hall or to the Bungendore War Memorial Hall on the Wednesday (9:00am to 4:00pm) or on Thursday morning (9:00am to 12:00 noon) prior to the exhibition weekend. If you are unable to make either of these dates, please contact Jane for alternatives.
We also have a section of preowned items available as long as they are sewing, quilt, textile, knitting or fabric related.
If you have received your exhibition letter, you should have received your invitation to the opening night which is Friday night prior to the exhibition weekend.
Are you able to volunteer in any capacity over the weekend?
Please RSVP to the opening and let us know of your volunteering availability by contacting either Trudi or Jane. Many thanks.
MEMBERS OF THE exhibition sub-committee
Maureen Elgood, Elke Hughes, Val Jordon, Kerry Cassidy, Trudi Tritschler and Jane Bloomfield.