deborah louie workshop
Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 June 2021
Deborah Louis is a decorative quilt artist and tutor and BQI have been fortunate enough to secure her skills for a two-day workshop in Bungendore.
Deborah studied colour and design at college and her true passion was found when she spent time at home with her young family and fell in love with quilting. Deborah started her own domestic machine quilting business, quilting over 600 quilts for clients, which developed her skill in both traditional and contemporary design. Deborah believes quilting is a labour of love and each quilt is a beautiful piece of textile decorative art to add to your home or a gift for a special friend.
As an acclaimed and multi award winning quilting designer and tutor with over twenty-five years of happy stitching, Deborah loves nothing more than to create new designs and teach quilting across Australia. Deborah’s designs challenge quilters of all skill levels and help them to really make the best of the wonderful capabilities of their sewing machines.
Queanbeyan-Palerang Arts Trail
Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 October 2019
Bungendore Quilters were part of the annual Queanbeyan-Palerang Arts Trail again this year and our display was at the War Memorial Hall as part of Studio 57. Members showcased quilts and items for sale as well as demonstrated textile craft skills. BQI had a display during the Arts Trail weekends in 2018 and 2017.
The Market at Bungendore
Sunday 13 October 2019
Bungendore Quilters were proactive this year in selling raffle tickets at the Bungendore Markets. BQI had a stall in 2018 and 2017 as well.
The Meet + Make Expo
Saturday 6 May 2017
The Meet + Make EXPO was a community based event showcasing the variety of makers, artists, writers, poets, musicians, performers, groups, organisations and general creative types who inhabit the Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council local government area. The Expo was held at Bungendore Showground from 10:00am until 3:00pm.
War Time Quilts: Quilts from Military Fabrics from the Annette Gero Collection
Saturday 7 November 2015
Coinciding with the 100th anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign, the quilts in this historic exhibition have been assembled by Dr. Annette Gero, who has been documenting and collecting quilts since 1982. The bus trip to Manly Art Gallery and Museum in Sydney to see this exhibition was a relaxing way to go. The exhibition was fantastic and everyone had a terrific day.