A Life Member is someone who has rendered outstanding service to Bungendore Quilters. To gain this honour, the Committee nominates a member and takes this nomination to the AGM for members to pass the resolution. ​Bungendore Quilters currently has one Honorary Life Member.
Sheryl-Ann Schaefer was the founding member of the group and was bestowed the honour in 2019.
Sheryl-Ann, with her husband Roy, held quilt exhibitions in Bungendore in 2006 and 2007, undertaking the mammoth task of holding the exhibitions on their own - renting the Bungendore War Memorial Hall, hanging the shows, promoting the art of quilting and gathering people to be involved. In 2008 Sheryl-Ann founded the Bungendore Quilters, forming a Committe and incorporting the club. Exhibitions have been held every year since expect for the Covid years of 2020 and 2021.